Firstly, I shall admit my superficiality via the medium of blog (would rather it be through my favourite medium of dance, but alas, tis too troublesome on the web). Over the weekend I went to visit my sister's new house in Banbury, during which time I was roped into gardening - a subject well worthy of its own post. However whilst there my beloved sister (and she is) kept showing off how thin she is. For the first time ever she is thinner than I. As a result I am now living off passion fruits and mangoes until I reach her size or, if really lucky, less than that.
For my second example: I was thrown into an interaction with a "colleague" this morning which left me outraged. So much so that I had to walk out, which rarely happens. ....(you've all read it by now)
OK, Moon on a bad day, granted. But I could not inhibit these comparisons. The sister comparison may be more logical, although pathetically trivial. Sibling rivalry is normal and competition has its evolutionary roots, arguably anyway. And because I'm being a vain lard arse, that requires no more discussion. But the second case really was infuriating, which was puzzling as (s)he was being one hideous human being, displaying awful traits. Is it normal to feel competitive with people that are so awful? Why can't the ego kick in and tell me that I am a better person?! The bitterness of having lost out in this situations remains, and this is not an admirable trait in itself.
In conclusion I think the only mature way in which to deal with this conflict is to kick in said "colleague"'s face. Fisty cuffs time.
PS I had promised brighter posts, but it appeared I lied. Sorry about that. Perhaps next week. If we're lucky.
PPS Sorry Ak, no spider pics. But I have been observing a veritable banquet of creepy crawlies today!