
Musings, Moonings, Mindings, and some other shit as well

Monday, February 27, 2006

pre-menstrual tankiness

Check this out - two postings in a day, woohoo!

Sadly, though, both themes are sad ones. This entry is dedicated to that burden experienced by women at certain times of the month. I feel totally achy and shitty and am the size of a tank. Think there might be a bit of illness at work, too, but that's beside the point. This happens every sodding month. Every MONTH I tell you. Surely there is no need for it at this day in age? Am not convinced that St. Johns Wort is going to reduce this tension/tankiness sufficiently. Also, getting hold of vegetarian capsules is a right arse. Only Holland and thieving-Barratt sell "vega-gels" - the gelatin alternative made out of potatoes. What has this world come to?

OK ok, this is exemplary of "tension". If only there was a sufficient outlet...!

Moon. xxx

PS Might not post anything for a couple of days... Best calm down.

so long, farewell...

Today is a truly sad day. I am lamenting the end of the Winter Olympics. I didn't even realise they were only to last for 2 weeks. Rubbish! So many exciting sports (ski a bit, shoot shit a bit, ski again... etc etc) and all of them over in 14 days? Outrageous. At least the finale was a beauty - Ricky Martin, that famous figure of Winter sports, made us proud. Snow, snow boards, skis, skates and ice, we salute you.

Moon. xxx

PS If anyone can find any suitable snippets from the Eurosport website of that interviewer with the mane who couldn't speak English or interview, please, PLEASE forward me the links.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

And the public apology goes to...

...all those poor individuals trying to watch the moving end of "Derailed" at the cinema in the Light, Leeds, this evening, for being so rudely interrupted...

Actually, they were highly amused and entertained by those 2 girls who loudly clambered in to Screen 2 with a bucket of popcorn each, just to catch the final frame and then the credits, so I shouldn't feel so bad for them. Due to a series of unfortunate events we were held up, missed the start of "Hidden" - filmgoers choice #1, and had to settle for "Derailed" after queuing for 17 hours for tickets.

Due to a slight mix up with viewing times for the film, I now know what happens at the end. So we had to go and se "Good Night, Good Luck", instead. So the second apology goes to those seeing it tomorrow night as planned, as you won't be graced with the pleasure of my company. Great film though it was (Clooney - good work. All the characters were great apart from yours. Only realised at the end you'd directed it!) I wouldn't want to see it twice in as many days.

A statement of thanks is dedicated to the staff at the cinema who were foolishly convinced it was their fault that we could not read the correct show times on our tickets, and escorted us celebrity/criminal style to an alternative screen.

Moon. xxx

PS Swearing and rude gestures are currently being conveyed to those 2 twats who attempted intimidation tactics at the LGI car park. Keep your eyes peeled, men...

Sunday, February 12, 2006

dream #1

I have a dream... Though it's a bit vague.

Something about a new house, which was a bit messy and grey, though big-ish. My uncle was there doing repairs or something. Then there was a bit where a load of unfamiliar people, though peers, were in a room, pre- some activity or residential course or something. Might have been a chase in between. What a night!

And that, friends, is the nature of dreaming. Let's get some brunch.

Moon. xxx

Saturday, February 11, 2006

dirty drunk

I would just like to apologise for the already poor state of this blog. No dreams have yet been posted. Sleeping patterns are currently less than "routine" which, as has been documented, can increase dream recall. However I , personally, would have to sleep a little in order for that to be possible.

So, why the lack of sleep? I think it began with a pint of sweet cider and black (mmm), followed by, over the duration of about 8 hours plus, a large number of archers shots. Some were diluted in orange juice, which has not displayed the immune system bolstering properties that I was hoping for. Others were diluted in diet coke - the caffeine and sugar combo was a delight and likely played a part in stealing my sacred shut-eye. Others just slid down alone - they were the best. About halfway through this cocktail of an evening, "Fruity" was attended - a dirty student dive whereby dancing is not even required as a mating strategy. Just being there and managing to stay upright from the plastic glasses strewn across the dancefloor should reward you with a lifetime partner. Having said that, a little tumble here and there - especially when pushed (bonus points if a result of a fight) can often work in your favour.

So, all in all, after jiving drunkenly in front of many-a-student that I have probably spent the last 18 months trying to establish rapport with in order that they either write their practical reports with correct referencing or simply do my sodding study, I was rewarded with little sleep.

I can only apologise heartily and hope that tonight will bear fruit in terms of some deep REM phases accompanied by some crazy night-time hallucinations. Until the next posting, sweet dreams.

PS Although punished for drinking behaviours with a noteworthy dream recall frequency of zero, I am delighted to reveal that I have not had a hangover today. Yesssss.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

This is not working

I had good intentions for the use of this blog. However my initial witty "greetings pilgrim" welcome message has vanished (although I daren't recycle gags in case it magically reappears) and, despite signing in as "calmoon", Blogger seems to think I am "I heart deja-vu". Who said computers can't be alikened to the human brain?

Anyway, this blog is intended to be used as a published dream diary research tool. However only the dreams that I deem "respectable" shall be published, of course, so it's not the most rigorous of methodologies.

Until the next post...

Moon. xxx
I am going to go and read Paul McKenna's "I can make you thin" book. Instant results are anticipated.
