It has recently come to my attention that I quite possibly make a disproportionate number of comparisons between myself and others on a daily basis. I pride myself on being an independent, healthy-egoed individual. Perhaps a little too much so. (If I'm ever feeling down I remind myself that there is no one else I would rather be. What a revelation of vanity for a usually light hearted blog!) However the past few days have been illuminating. I only have 2 examples, though.
Firstly, I shall admit my superficiality via the medium of blog (would rather it be through my favourite medium of dance, but alas, tis too troublesome on the web). Over the weekend I went to visit my sister's new house in Banbury, during which time I was roped into gardening - a subject well worthy of its own post. However whilst there my beloved sister (and she is) kept showing off how thin she is. For the first time ever she is thinner than I. As a result I am now living off passion fruits and mangoes until I reach her size or, if really lucky, less than that.
For my second example: I was thrown into an interaction with a "colleague" this morning which left me outraged. So much so that I had to walk out, which rarely happens. ....(you've all read it by now)
OK, Moon on a bad day, granted. But I could not inhibit these comparisons. The sister comparison may be more logical, although pathetically trivial. Sibling rivalry is normal and competition has its evolutionary roots, arguably anyway. And because I'm being a vain lard arse, that requires no more discussion. But the second case really was infuriating, which was puzzling as (s)he was being one hideous human being, displaying awful traits. Is it normal to feel competitive with people that are so awful? Why can't the ego kick in and tell me that I am a better person?! The bitterness of having lost out in this situations remains, and this is not an admirable trait in itself.
In conclusion I think the only mature way in which to deal with this conflict is to kick in said "colleague"'s face. Fisty cuffs time.
PS I had promised brighter posts, but it appeared I lied. Sorry about that. Perhaps next week. If we're lucky.
PPS Sorry Ak, no spider pics. But I have been observing a veritable banquet of creepy crawlies today!
Firstly, I shall admit my superficiality via the medium of blog (would rather it be through my favourite medium of dance, but alas, tis too troublesome on the web). Over the weekend I went to visit my sister's new house in Banbury, during which time I was roped into gardening - a subject well worthy of its own post. However whilst there my beloved sister (and she is) kept showing off how thin she is. For the first time ever she is thinner than I. As a result I am now living off passion fruits and mangoes until I reach her size or, if really lucky, less than that.
For my second example: I was thrown into an interaction with a "colleague" this morning which left me outraged. So much so that I had to walk out, which rarely happens. ....(you've all read it by now)
OK, Moon on a bad day, granted. But I could not inhibit these comparisons. The sister comparison may be more logical, although pathetically trivial. Sibling rivalry is normal and competition has its evolutionary roots, arguably anyway. And because I'm being a vain lard arse, that requires no more discussion. But the second case really was infuriating, which was puzzling as (s)he was being one hideous human being, displaying awful traits. Is it normal to feel competitive with people that are so awful? Why can't the ego kick in and tell me that I am a better person?! The bitterness of having lost out in this situations remains, and this is not an admirable trait in itself.
In conclusion I think the only mature way in which to deal with this conflict is to kick in said "colleague"'s face. Fisty cuffs time.
PS I had promised brighter posts, but it appeared I lied. Sorry about that. Perhaps next week. If we're lucky.
PPS Sorry Ak, no spider pics. But I have been observing a veritable banquet of creepy crawlies today!
At 12:12 am,
- said…
Hmmmm, that does indeed sounds like a downer at the start of a short working week. I'm not really sure of how you might go about dealing with the work situation other than letting other superiors know about the help you require/are not receiving.
The car is issue is, of course, a different matter. Whether or not you would be able to make use of a car is a debate in itself (I suppose you could fill it with water and use it as a fishtank). Maybe the issue here is that some people are used to and expect handouts- Others do not. And the clash when those two worth-ethics come together can be quite an uncomfortable one.
You're having to work hard all the way with what you're doing, and I have no doubts that you will reap what you sow. Whether or not those who are used to handouts have the same sense of achievement is something I've often wondered about. I would like to think that these sorts of people just get on with 'achieving' the next thing on their Christmas list without any real gratification, but I'm not sure how true that is. Maybe they get the same sense of achievement that you do, and if that's the case I'm a little bit saddened, but what can you do?
Keep your pecker up! (definition 5 of course)
1. a person or thing that pecks.
2. a bird's bill.
3. a woodpecker.
4. Slang (vulgar). penis.
5. British Slang. one's spirits or courage.
At 12:35 am,
Lord G said…
I often did (and still do, to some extent) get annoyed at rich students and what they get bought, and the situations they find themselves in; they don't so much resemble 'falling on one's feet', rather 'falling into an armchair, comfy slippers on, favourite drink in hand.
I used to be wildly annoyed by said people - Fordy may remember telling me that I was well balanced, in that I had a (working class) chip on either shoulder. I think it's changed a little now as I've figured it doesn't really help anything. The only pragmatic thing to come from it is if it makes you work harder to achieve the things on your own. Hopefully then, Akira's points come to fruition.
The last point I have to make is that you seriously need to reveal the identity of said colleagues. To me, at least, as I'm nosey.
Chin up lass, thal do betta than 'er in long run.
At 3:37 am,
- said…
What a Barnsleyism... Brilliant!
At 8:43 am,
Moon said…
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At 11:35 am,
Lord G said…
I remember a ginger bird and a fat lass (?) moving into my old office... was it her?
At 4:09 pm,
Moon said…
I thought I was in your old office...!
She is ginger. But quite attractive. Which was your old office? When are you coming to visit Leeds?!
At 6:14 pm,
Lord G said…
Erm, I had several offices, much in the same way that people have several orifices. However, mine were seperated temporally by time, rather than spatially by anatomical structures.
I used to be in B28 (first year), then I know I was in the corner office in the attic (can't remember number) and also the office near Daddy Horton's that I now believe is the teaching fellow office? I can't remember which year was which for those though. In my last year, as I was a RA rather than a funded student, I was on the top floor in the main building, erm, next to Neil King I think....
I remember going up to the office cos I needed a key to the HF labs, and my namesake had seized all the keys and given them to two people - one was his 'secretary' or something, and the other was a ginger lass that did research, and they shared my old office. I wasn't particularly pleased that I had to beg for keys, and that some very hi-tech labs were being used for some jokers to put people to sleep in..... ;-)
At 7:22 pm,
Tombola said…
I sympathise Moon...tiresome in the extreme. One thing though - does said RA ever read these blogs? Careful.
Gaz - I like your falling on your feet line. a lot.
At 7:45 pm,
Lord G said…
Just in case she does read them, let's speculate on whether she had ginger muff, or in some way bypasses that problem by removal of offending follicles?
At 2:08 pm,
Moon said…
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At 5:40 pm,
Lord G said…
Nah, let's speculate that she has a big untidy wire-brush of a muff, which hide something that resembles a badly-packed kebab.
I started in Oct 2000 and got booted out of my RA office in July '04... I handed my thesis at the end of 'Jan 05, defended it mid-march 05, and flew out here the following morning
At 2:10 pm,
Moon said…
That must have either been a poor celebration post viva, or a helish hangover filled journey. you clearly coudn't wait to get to the US. That's the last we'll be hearing about how it's a hole. You should try spending time in Market rasen, Lincs.
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