
Musings, Moonings, Mindings, and some other shit as well

Thursday, August 10, 2006

No more pokees!

This will be the last posting for a while... have blog fever!

So Australia apparently has a gambling problem. I think that sounds a bit racist. But just about every pub has an arcade style back room full of the pokees - fruity machines, although not old-school gambits (admittedly we didn't have those at school, despite growing up in Lincolnshire) as they are armless. They were addictive, but luckily no long term effects were suffered, mainly due to only being in Australia for 10 days. Akira, on the other hand, may be a little worse for wear by the end of September.

I won about $7 one time. Ace!

This pokee theme did lead to the naming of Tombola's right nipple, "Pokee" (he kept getting the left one out, which was called Puka Puka after a Maori named bridge we passed. See, we did take note of the cultural "thang").

I feel, seeing as (1) I've been on holiday and (2) I have a nice new digital camera, that I maybe ought to include a landscape pic, seeing as I have so bloody many of them. This is where we stayed for a few days, where we saw the whales etc (Kaikoura).

Here are funny phallic kiwi door stops:

And finally, I went for a meal in a Japanese restaurant in Wellington one night. This amused me greatly:

Now surely if they were that amused by Uglies freaking out, they could have just put some bouncers on the door?

That is all for now.


  • At 6:44 pm, Blogger Lord G said…

    Good stuff, though don't stop posting. Not only did we miss out on 3 weeks of posting, but some poor souls (i.e., me and Frankie) also missed out on your trip. Hence, you should seek to stiffle us under the sheer weight of holiday-related postings and photographs.

    PS, you should have metered off the foreground area (press shutter release button halfway) before re-framing the pic to what u shot - that way it would be lighter and not lost...


  • At 6:46 pm, Blogger Lord G said…

    Oh, and what is it with the nip? I'm happy for several of our blog-community to do that, just not Tom (or Ak, me, fordy, etc).... Most disturbing....

    Oh, and surely aussies aren't a 'race', so we can keep on teasing them.

  • At 7:09 pm, Blogger Moon said…

    Re: photos. Thanks for the tip! As blogger was such an arse with uploading photos (it took 7 attempts with one of them) my anger displaced embarrssing thoughts that I would be revealing photographic crap to photographers. Usually the sun was in the wrong place but I couldn't be arsed to move, so just got some bright backgrounds and shady looking figures. So lazy!

    Re: the nips. There was a drink in one of the hotels called 1/2 nips. I got a picture of the menu. Again, just because I had a new camera to play with.

    I doubt anyone else will post photos of their nips. (And watch them flood in...)

  • At 1:44 pm, Blogger Lord G said…

    Good job they omited the proposed drink 'half hairyring'. That image of Tombola WOULD scare me off.

    We want daily postings of pics now. Not just of holiday (though we want them), but also silly self-portraits and other daft things from around the psyc department, to stop be from being homesick. And we should compare yours and Tom's nipples. :-)

  • At 4:07 pm, Blogger frankien said…

    I shouldnt worry about calling australians gamblers.

    theyre also criminals, thats why we put them there.

  • At 4:28 pm, Blogger Moon said…

    And they speak funny. They'd say "fanny" though.

  • At 4:30 pm, Blogger Lord G said…

    Ask fordy what australians are... go on his blog and ask it as a comment in his last entry.


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