
Musings, Moonings, Mindings, and some other shit as well

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Having a few work troubles... that work is pretty boring. I don't really like it. Do I struggle on, feeling stressed? Or do I pack it all in and become a musician or something (as opposed to singing merely into my wok, of an evening)? My family keep suggesting to just plod on, but without making myself so stressed. The problem with that is that I'll then be resigned to working in a crap Uni for the rest of my days, as there's no time to work on the research profile (to improve chances of ever getting out of the place) without getting truly stressed.

Any advice? Am I just going through the typical post-PhD blues? Maybe it's SAD kicking in already - it suddenly seems like Winter.

Just so I haven't been totally negative in a post: I had a lovely evening with Alex Cornish on Sunday evening! Apologies for the repetition, but I highly recommend that you check out his work. Beautiful singer-songwriting.


  • At 4:31 pm, Blogger Moon said…

    To add to the misery: I've been working all day (it's a Sunday) and have just been told I can't write by a reviewer. It may be true, but it could have been sugar-coated a tad, surely?

    Expect more blogs, seeing as I have so much work to do (being positioned in front of the computer for hours on end warrants blogging). Although don't expect anything well-written :(


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