
Musings, Moonings, Mindings, and some other shit as well

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

work turmoil

Blogs? What on earth are they?

Yes OK it has been a while. I have had a nice break from work. Now I have work to do, that I don't want to do, and blogging is preferable. And then I'm only blogging about another procrastination-aid.

But it's a marvellous one. I spend a lot of time playing Backyard Shootout: an incredibly basic internet game. I love it. I have developed RSI as a result.

You may scoff, but this is something I'm good at. This is what the scoreboard usually looks like:

On Saturday night I returned home after having a few ciders (too many) and set about my latest hobby. And something wonderful happened! Upon completion I wasn't asked to enter my name, oh no - check this out:

Enter my moonname!! And indeed I did. Pathetically it looked like this, as the scoreboards are updated at midnight and no-one else was fool enough to be playing on a Saturday evening/Sunday morning.

And this is what it looks like today: a miserable day as I have (evidently) accomplished little of what I was supposed to do work-wise, and SLAB has beaten me. I've never topped 90000! Shitbag. What kind of ridiculous name is SLAB anyway? Sodding-lazy-assed-bastard.

Hope all well.



  • At 10:43 am, Blogger frankien said…

    Oh I do love a challenge. Thats my lunchtime sorted. I'm regretting introducing you to mousebreaker, it was my secret pleasure!

  • At 3:03 pm, Blogger Moon said…

    Ha! My apologies for not acknowledging you for the discovery of the wonders of mousebreaker. It is dangerous. After topping the scoreboards for geo-genuis Africa and USA as well as county count-up (I wasn't so speedy with Europe), I began alphabetically working through all available games. It will take a lifetime to get through them all if there are others as addictive, beyond B...

  • At 4:30 pm, Blogger frankien said…

    I actually recommend the ones where you have to work out puzzles e.g. gateway, gateway 2 and the recently added synapsis. also, google the game 'curious'- its a salford university game. its one of those thigns where you have to click on things and see what happens, but charitably it doesnt ruin the game if you click things in the wrong order.

  • At 11:17 am, Blogger Tombola said…

    After my Quadrapop success last year, I've got a new phone and a new game to knacker my thumbs with: Lumines Block Challenge. Anyone else know that one? It's on my spangly new Sony W910i.

  • At 3:46 pm, Blogger Moon said…

    I've got that phone, too! Have you got the black one? Mine's red and a bit swish. It's a little concerning as whenever I get a nice new phone I tend to give it away, along with the remaining contents of my handbag, to passers by. I haven't yet checked out the games, as was bitter that I could not longer have the swit-swoo sound for text messages. How come you've got a new phone anyway? I thought you were still falling out with thieving bastards from the last contract?


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