
Musings, Moonings, Mindings, and some other shit as well

Sunday, October 28, 2007

These times they are a-changing

Bit of a heavy subject ahead. Well, it should be, if I understood it.

Time has been discussed greatly this week as 1) there is a party next weekend with a "time" theme and 2) the clocks they are a-changing.

To the former: The theme is a general one, whereby you should dress as an era. Quite vague if you ask me, and no-one else has found my idea of going as "it's Chico time" very amusing. So I won't go.

To the latter: clock changing is ridiculous. I asked a some friends why the clocks changed and received these, amongst others, as replies:
"Because Scotland wouldn't get any daylight, otherwise"
"For farmers"
"Because of the war".

Hmm. I thought the change to British Summertime meant that days would be especially long in Summer, then the Autumnal change just resorts back to normal, actual time. Whatever that means. There is now talk of moving everything forward an hour so we have longer days. Can't we just stay in bed an extra hour? Or should that be an hour less? I don't know. Time messes with my head. I don't like it.

Ooh maybe I could go as "What time is love?" to the party. Maybe I could go as Mr Wolf. Nah, bugger the party. I need to stay in and see X factor as I haven't seen it at all this series. Yesterday I missed it in order to enjoy a cinema trip. Instead the film involved someone getting stabbed in the eye. Not pleasant at all.

Moon. xxx

PS I should go as the popular periodical, "Dream Time"! Now the ideas are flowing...


  • At 11:24 pm, Blogger David said…

    The whole clocks going back/forward an hour came up in conversation at the happy clappy wedding we were at on saturday. According to some of the people we chatted to it was brought into practice because of kids walking to school in the dark (or walking home from school in the dark).

    So completely outdated now since no kids actually walk to school cos all they're all fat lazy bastards and their parents are too up their own backsides to walk with them to school... they can get rid of it! Hoorah! (by the way, I thought it was something to do with farming aswell...)

  • At 9:10 am, Blogger Tombola said…

    that 'Chico time' idea is genius

  • At 11:48 am, Blogger Moon said…

    David! Welcome to stroppy blog. I think there is credence in the farming argument, but a friend has humoured me for it. Pah.

    Danke, Prof. Shame no one else appreciated the Chico humour. nice to see you're adopting the blog-checking habits of old, now you're in your new job!

  • At 6:14 pm, Blogger frankien said…

    Yeah Moon, I supported you on your chico time idea- brilliant. Or you should just not turn up and eseentially go as 'time to oneself'.

  • At 9:29 pm, Blogger Moon said…

    Indeed - thanks for the support. Can I assume that you would also support my "time to give up on themes" idea?


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