
Musings, Moonings, Mindings, and some other shit as well

Monday, May 14, 2007

Sugar and spice and all things sunflowers

Frankien has touched upon the issue, but I wanted to expand on it. The Apprentice is the best thing on TV. Actually pretty much the best thing around full stop.

I'm not sure what makes it so good. Perhaps it's the fact that it's reality TV without the phone ins. Perhaps it's because the characters are eccentric yet believable - something that Big Brother needs to work on*. Perhaps it's the simple fact that Sir Alan Sugar is a fine legend. Whatever it is, it makes me look forward to 9pm on Wednesdays immensely. I predict that the candidates will go in this order or they should do, at least)

Ghazal (dirty mouth. Spends too much time draping around corners with hair in her eyes)
Jadine (gobby. Fond of an arse-enhancing dress)
Simon (entertaining but lacking charisma, in my opinion. Think he will soon be in a situation where he's out of his depth)
Tre (hilarious, no doubt. But I just don't think he's quite up to the job, despite his honesty)
Naomi (capable but Sir Alan can't make the same mistake as last year by hiring the pretty one. She's not bolshy enough)
Lohit (lovely, I know, but again not strong enough. Handles people very well and is likable, but probably not firm enough to get the cash rolling in)
leaving a final battle between Katy and Christina, which should be brilliantly bitchy telly. Katy is so manipulative the audience increasingly hate her, but I think she will stay in for the ratings, even though Sugar knows that she has a tendency to tell tales.

To sunflowers.

Admittedly I was lacking in confidence in the beginning. but now look what's happened.

This was a couple of weeks in. There was hope! You can see (if you look carefully) little sunflowers beginning to rise. How exciting! I felt like a proud parent; just like when Dave politely asks for prawns or gives me a hug. It was an emotional day.

I started to feel better about things, but wondered whether I should line the top of the rockery (picture right) with a few more sunflowers, too. For fear of getting cocky, I resisted. They would also clearly grow so huge they would block the light out of my lounge.

So this is the current situation.

There are 8 sunflowers altogether, but there may be trouble ahead. Poorly flower on the left was well this morning, but something (a blackbird, I fear) has taken a chunk out of its right leaf. What a bastard. I also have a strange sickly plant, which isn't visible below. It was black for a while, but has grown leaves nonetheless. Now it's lime green. Interesting. Maybe it's going to be the winner.

Sunflowers rock.

Moon. xxx

*Despite the slag off, it should soon be returning to our E4 screens. Sponsored by the racist-approving Virgin Media, I think. Woo!


  • At 12:09 pm, Blogger frankien said…

    I believe that my plants are doing well, but are still indoors until the weather is a bit warmer. I think Tom will win as he has the best sunshine.

    I am already excited about the apprentice and its a whole day away. Its a difficult one to call as they are all a bit useless. I think Christina has the edge on Katie. Katie just has a bit of the Christine Hamilton about her- the bit that makes me want to give her a slap.

  • At 12:45 pm, Blogger Tombola said…

    I hope you're right Munch. Tho having said that I haven't seen sunshine down here for about a week - been pissing down almost constantly.

  • At 3:18 pm, Blogger Moon said…

    Yes yes - Katie IS a Hamilton!

    But I disagree re: sunflowers. Am not going to let Tom think he's won just yet, come rain or shine!

  • At 9:53 am, Blogger Tombola said…

    We have one velvet queen doing pretty well indoors. Woo!

  • At 11:03 am, Blogger Moon said…

    Good work! How big is it? Do you have any others? My VQs are looking healthy but don't seem to be progressing much. A new one had appeared this morning, so maybe they're slow starters/growers. I wish there was more sun. The poor darlings are crying out for some.

    Btw I have to bid my farewells to poorly Russian Giant. She's laying down looking very much in pain. I suppose I should euthanise.


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