
Musings, Moonings, Mindings, and some other shit as well

Monday, October 09, 2006

A tasty alternative

Lunchtimes are becoming increasingly stressful. Not only are there now more students around the place than ever before, the Union has also rearranged itself so to maximally hold you up whilst buying your sandwich. However, "every cloud..." I thought, as I spied this feast in the Chiller:

What a change!

The manufacturers had kindly reminded me which way up to carry my lunch...

Upon returning to the office for scoffing purposes, I opened my lunch, expecting to find chopsticks. However I instead find lolly sticks, that look as if they should clip together to create some exciting contraption.

But no, they're just lolly sticks.

Luckily aforementioned lunch was tasty after all (I managed to find a fork). If only they could be sold somewhere whereby I don't have to queue for 17 hours...

In case you'd forgotten, and you like the sight of this novel cuisine, they go this way up:

Moon. xxx


  • At 1:12 pm, Blogger Lord G said…

    At least you have a Union you can walk to in 0.2 s... I'm based off campus, so if I don't have the car (most of the time) and I don't want to walk a mile in sweattastic weather, then I have a vending machine. Woo hoo. I did always think that the union got worse everytime they re-arranged it. The last one was a beauty - put it so that all the queues file down the aisles where people will be browsing the goods... Nice one!

    Who can remember when the shop used to be upstairs where STA is?

  • At 2:53 pm, Blogger Tombola said…

    ME! And when there was that supermarket down in the basement that was really cheap. LOADS of people signed a petition for it to stay but THE MAN won and it got bulldozed.

  • At 4:38 pm, Blogger Moon said…

    Who is this MAN? I don't think I like the sound of him.

    Now of course the little off license is now "Hiccup"; a shop that seems to sell Leeds t-shirts and has the tagline: "Hip, funky, contemporary, urban". Thanks for telling me about the atmosphere you wish to create, but clearly can't because you're a bit pants. None of the hip, funky, contemporary or urban individuals seem to shop in their, either.

  • At 5:45 pm, Blogger Moon said…

    Anyone spotted my deliberate misspelling of "their"?


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