
Musings, Moonings, Mindings, and some other shit as well

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The (10) best things in life are...

I seem to have established a bit of a reputation for stropping about a bit. So, in a truly self-indulgent post, I aim to remind myself of some of the things in life that ain't so bad. (I also have a few friends visiting the site nowadays and they want evidence of what I'm up to...)

(Moon wracks brains)

...and they're not for free.

(1) Food. Heifer over here sure likes to eat. And what can be more satisfying than a good piece of fat 'n' sugar combo: cake. Look at that bint getting her gob round that twister. Speaking of which, they should probably get a mention of their own, but they fall under this category: iced smoothies. Delicious. And good for you. Must be the only edible stuff that ticks both those boxes.

(2) Drink. See a theme? Look how smarmy I look now that I am holding a bottle of cheap vinegary vino. Yesss.

(3) Music. Live music. Creating live music (don't have any digi pics from old singing days). Look how happy I look at this festival. Incidentally, the pose reflects how I don't really like the hand sanitiser. It doesn't make you feel clean. It's not nice. But this is meant to be a happy post! Moving on...

(4) Training about at weekends. Studying train routes along the way. Getting to explore this green and pleasant land. This is the best thing about life at the moment.

(5) People on debt adverts. They are so stupid that if you're ever feeling down, you can easily be reminded how wise you are.
"I went shopping and spent £60,000. I don't even work. I re-mortgaged my house and now my bank doesn't like me. But hang on, someone is willing to save the day by getting me into even more debt! For longer! I don't know what interest is, but it sounds nice. Perhaps someone good with numbers like Carol Vorderman can convince me a little more..."

(6) My flat. Yes it is a bit of a zoo but for the first time ever I feel quite settled. The place is more than big enough to maintain all my junk and I can be reasonably loud without feeling too guilty about it. There's a guy nextdoor who plays the piano (and thinks he can sing, but so do I) so we sing together through the walls occsaionally. If I ever clear the other things at the top of the things to do list, I'll re-introduce Ethel into my life. Ethel is my prize possession; my saxophone. Beautiful.

(7) Boots. Scarves. Beads. General acessories. The affordable and less pretentious way to brighten up your daily attire. And (reinforcing point 6) I have a whole porch dedicated to footwear!

(8) The BBC news website. Manageable chunks of high quality journalism.

(9) Radio 2. The perfect balance of making you feel a little bit clever for listening to it, whilst being comprehensible (I haven't yet progressed to R4) AND great music! All kinds of music. Incidentally this unintentional "I don't mind paying my license fee" spiel reflects how my opinion of the BBC has changed quite drastically of late. I think it's dramas are generally poor and extremely over-budgeted (The Hustle, par example). Channel 4 did a superb job with Shameless, and C4's comedy is much better and less contrived. However the BBC have the best damned news team in the world. I assume.

(10) Sitting on my fat arse. Rest and recouperation is highly underrated. It is easy to overwork, in this day in age, and I am a forceful proponent of the taking time out appoach. Yeah. Peace out.

Moon. xxx

PS An honorary (11): blogging. Look how it's amused me all night; trying to upload pictures. Failing. Incorporating the "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" message into my hypnogogic imagery.

Seeing as I've exceeded the 10 point limit, what harm will one more do?

(12) Stropping. It's functional. And sometimes it's very necessary. Bloody blogger!


  • At 11:40 am, Blogger Lord G said…

    1) You have your own flat? If so, how on earth did you manage that?

    2)Surely Channel 4 news deserves a mention - They have a far higher rate of interviewees walking out mid-session for example. Then again, The BBC does have Paxo (check out his comment about Middlesex on the Leeds Uni website).

    3) You not into the joys of wikipedia yet? Save it as your homepage and marvel how your day is reduced by an hour when you get into work every morning!

  • At 12:38 pm, Blogger Moon said…

    1) It's rented of course. As if I'd be eligable for a mortgage for anything other than a caravan.
    2) Yes c4 is good for arguments. And Paxman - for a man born and bred in Leeds he sures hides the accent well.
    3) Now I haven't yet gone overboard with wikis. I think it could escalate, but I'll continue resisting for now. Let's see how long that lasts.
    4) How are job things?

  • At 8:50 pm, Blogger Salty Dog said…

    Paxman may have been born in leeds but was shipped off to boarding school (Malvern School I think) the went to St Catherines Cambridge so he is likely to have his accent wel and truly extracted... buggery and secret hand shakes have that effect apparently


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