It is time for a change. I have always been the kind of person that says things to please. Then, if someone pisses me off it escalates until I am livid. I have recently adopted a new approach of thinking, "sod it, I'll bloody tell 'em!", which has not had the desired cathartic effects I was aiming for. However I do feel proud that I can tell someone to fuck off if needs be (as indeed I just have - there has been a recent "issue" with a neighbour. He is a twat and I decided it was about time he learned so). The product of this is that I have become an incredibly intolerant person and I quite enjoy mouthing off at any opportunity. The builders drilling apart nextdoor, for instance, have showered my house front with plaster dust. Is this acceptable? I think not! Tomorrow I shall become unneccarily angry at them, probably. My house front is a mess, but it's my mess, and so that is fine. Their mess is plain wrong. I'm quite looking forward to a bit of a row. Hope they're not agreeable.
I do feel it necessary to apologise for this selfish rant, but I decided to bash away at the keyboard as opposed to venting my anger in a productive way. Could go on the treadmill, but no, might eat an Aero instead. WH Smiths have restocked with the old orange ones, incidentally. Top that!
Moon. xxx
I do feel it necessary to apologise for this selfish rant, but I decided to bash away at the keyboard as opposed to venting my anger in a productive way. Could go on the treadmill, but no, might eat an Aero instead. WH Smiths have restocked with the old orange ones, incidentally. Top that!
Moon. xxx
At 12:26 am,
Moon said…
"unneccarily" is an acceptable word. You knew what was meant.
Tomorrow there might be apologies for this new found anger. Until then it shall be enjoyed.
How is everyone on the blog circuit, by the way? It's been a bit quiet of late.
At 10:25 am,
Tombola said…
I'm resting after my blog blitz last week: 4 entries! And you call that quiet? You should have a word with Munch.
I like the way that despite being full of new-found rage you say you're going to get angry with the builders "tomorrow". Go get 'em Moon!
At 11:35 am,
Moon said…
Danke, Tombola. Had the builders been conscientious enough to work until late in the evening they would have been on the receiving end of my wrath, I can tell you. However, you're right - rage has lessened today!
Yes congrats on the 4 fine postings. Any squash updates? A grand phallic veg.
At 1:16 pm,
Lord G said…
I think it's good to vent now and again, especially at someone that deserves it to some extent. Here I use the example of my conversation in TGI Fridays a while ago (see blog). Perhaps I was being a tad harsh, but she did deserve some form of put-down, and it did make me feel better.
I know I'm being a bit quiet at the moment. Not much to say. Panicking about losing my job in 3 weeks I guess.
At 6:34 pm,
Moon said…
I'm sure TGI Fridays girl had done something bad enough in her life to deserve it...
Sorry to hear you're stressing. You madly job hunting then?
At 10:27 pm,
Lord G said…
well i just blew about £500 on airfare for one interview, so go figure...
At 12:40 pm,
frankien said…
sorry to embarrass you, Moon, but I cant hep but bring this up! the aero you bought in Smiths was the size of a ship.
so dont worry about your air fare gaz, Caroline spends that in a week on chocolate by my estimation. which reminds me- have you heard anything from OU yet?
At 1:56 pm,
Moon said…
Ship size = super size. When you see an orange aero you've got to make the most.
Was the air fare worth it? I am confused, are you not in Barnsley anymore then?
OU finally got back to me and "should be able to offer me something". Thanks a lot. Next time don't lose my application. Think I'll be sent back to Bath, though. Fancied Brighton. Pah.
At 11:52 am,
Lord G said…
You applying for jobs already moon?
I'm still in 'tarn', until next Monday morning.
RE jobs, watch this space.
At 12:40 pm,
Moon said…
Well if you're in the Leeds vacinity before Mon let us know.
I work for the OU in the Summer tutoring for their residential schools. Big immune-system-ruining piss up every night and OK money. Get an app in if you're around! You job hunting here or in US? Or both? I guess the Sept starting posts should be being advertised soon, then there'll be loads of options, I'm sure of it!
At 12:55 pm,
Lord G said…
What's the OU gig like then?
I'm applying for positions here, though i do have a grant application in over there.
I'll pass my knowledge on here as I regret it not being emphasised enough when I was doing PhD. The knowledge concerns getting a career in academia. As an example, I'll pass on what I was told by the HoD at Hull yesterday (I was there seeing a friend/collaborator). He says that to get a lectureship in a decent uni, you NEED papers in press (at least) and also NEED evidence of grant income. The potential to do so isn't enough, it needs to be there. He also thinks that it's only going to get worse (if RAE finishes after this cycle).
Sorry for being boring there.
At 1:00 pm,
Lord G said…
Actually, i'll continue being boring. I think the risk of pissing people off is worth it if it makes someone take steps to avoid my position (lots of potential but not much in way of stuff already done).
If any of you DO want the academic career, start writing papers for peer-review ASAP. Seriously. Also, try to get a postdoc with a group/lab that will enable you to apply for other grants (state your desires in application and ask in interview). If you desperately want to lecture straight away, then make sure you're 'protected' (from over-burdening teaching loads) and make sure you make a big effort to get the grant applications (and papers) in....
At 2:14 pm,
frankien said…
Yes, get writing some of your phd into papers, gareth. any other interviews lined up?
Seriously Moon, I've never seen anyone as excited over a chocolate bar as you were with that orange aero. ok, I wont mention it again. especially since I have developed a love of minstrels (see, you give up one thing i.e. alcohol, you have to replace it with something else...all roads lead to fat).
At 2:42 pm,
Moon said…
Why do all good things have to be so bad?! Oh how profound!! I have seen that the shop near my flat has started selling orange aeros, too. Rejoice! And it's the shop that sells mouldy bread, not the one that smells of dogs, so that's even better!
Are Minstrels the ones with different insides? Oh no, must be revels. Confused!
Always end up being a sweet/choc related discussion.
At 3:02 pm,
Lord G said…
Frankie - no.
At 3:15 pm,
frankien said…
you'll have to get some temp work in then. have you thought about doing college teaching temporarily?
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