
Musings, Moonings, Mindings, and some other shit as well

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

le supermarche

I thought that a slightly optimistic post was in order, seeing as the previous one was mardy.

I am on a diet. I intend to be a waif in a couple of weeks. I have given up alcohol (although I did accidentally have a vodka in my orange the other night. The waiter (at the Olive Tree in Chapel Allerton - very nice, btw) thought he was being nice by pouring me "a large one". Hmmm). Going without the booze is fine, now, although there have been occasional nights where being drunk out of my mind would have made things much more exciting. I have substantially decreased my cheese intake (food of the gods) and have started, heaven forbid, eating salads.

Once you start counting calories you take pleasure in certain things. I have found a large quorn sandwich, which even has a bit of cheese in, containing a mere 340 calories. Now that's good going, considering its size and its cheese value. Quorn is ace. Especially the ham-"like" stuff. I have started seeing fat and sugar contents on ingredients lists before I see the brand name. And on the whole, if its bad for you, I am going off it.

Apart from Creme Eggs. I still want some of those.

The exercise thing is difficult to get round to, though. I've got a lovely purple yoga mat and yoga DVD all ready for me. But no DVD player. Yet. Might get it at the weekend (couldn't be arsed choosing it over Christmas. There were too many people in my way. bastards). And this time of year is hardly the time for outdoor pursuits. Yesterday morning I passed a jogger who did a full 360 (can't find the degrees symbol) on the ice besides me. He looked embarrassed and took a moment to steady himself before stumbling on. I don't wish to partake in that, thankyou very much.

So, remaining optimistic, I have to stick with the healthy eating thing in order to shed those excess pounds. This means going to the supermarket and filling the trolley with delightful salad selections, pointed peppers, shit loads of garlic (to drown the taste of the "good" food) and fruit and cereal bars that contain "just 96 calories" because there is nothing in them. At all. And their shelves are empty because it's still January. By Feb 1st all resolutions will have been broken, I'm sure.

I have been dieting for 11 days. I am not thin yet, but I will be. I will not give up. Unless the creme eggs become just too tempting. When Orange, Barclays and the Post Office all seem to hate you, there are still Creme Eggs. Good ole Eggs. Shit, I want an egg.

And a dog.

But not to eat.

Moon. xxx


  • At 10:14 am, Blogger frankien said…

    post a rama, moon.

    I think you'll find that cheese is not in fact the food of the gods. I think that ambrosia is the food of the gods. They make nice custard, and I dont normally like custard so I'll give them credit where its due.

    You should have applauded the jogger and informed him that he had performed a triple lutz.


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